Businesses often complain about how hard it is to find good people. The reality is that many don’t realize how many people it really takes to hire the right person. When you don’t hire the right person your company’s performance suffers, your culture suffers, and you’re stuck having to fire that person and start the whole process all over again. This takes time, money, and energy that you do not have. On top of that, each time this vicious cycle happens, you grow less confident in who you’re hiring and how.

Hiring the right talent is a very difficult task that has a huge impact on how your business runs now and in the future. Making the wrong choice could sink your company. Making the right choice could elevate it to new heights. This course will help nail the planning process so you have the right timeline and the time to execute the plan to ensure you are bringing in top talent to your organization.


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Course Includes

  • 8 Lessons
  • 31 Topics
  • 7 Quizzes